St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Class pages
  2. Reception Home Page
  3. Reception - Pre September 2023 Information Page

Reception - Pre September 2023 Information Page

***In September 2023, this page will be moved across to be a sub page within the main class pages. This means that the documents will always be able to be accessed.

Welcome to the new website page for all the families that have children starting at our school in September 2023.

First of all we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for selecting our school. 

If you keep an eye on this page, we will keep updating it with any information we need to share with you.

In the meantime, we would like to welcome you a lovely video which aims to welcome your child to our school and help prepare them for some of the things they will see. Can I please thank Arthur and Eric's Mummy and Daddy who put a huge amount of time and effort in to making this video possible.

Below the video, there is a 'page contents' section which will outline what you can find on this page. This will help you keep up to date with whether there have been any additions since you last came on the page.

Reception Class 2023 welcome video 

We used this video during COVID when we were unable to invite new families to look around school. Luckily, we can now invite you in but we still feel this is a lovely video that your children can keep watching back over the summer, prior to starting in September. 

Take care, stay safe and we will be in touch again shortly. 


 Reception September 2023 - Contents.

Hello From Mrs Bowman - A welcome from Mrs Bowman and 4 downloadable information documents about ways to keep up to date with school activities, induction information and two documents to return to Mrs Bowman about your child.

A Typical Reception School Day - This contains a downloadable breakdown of a typical day in Reception. 

Internet Activity Links - This contains two downloadable documents that contain internet links for interactive maths and literacy games / activities.

Practical Activity Ideas - Practical ideas to support each area of learning in EYFS at home.

Story Time With Mrs BowmanThis is a chance to have a story read to you by your new class teacher Mrs Bowman.

Curriculum Objectives - This section contains documents that outline objectives that your child will be covering through their year in Reception. There is also a parent guide to the Foundation Stage Framework.

Welcome Meeting PowerPoint - This is a copy of the PowerPoint which was shown at the parent welcome meeting on 25.5.23.

School Office Documentation - This section contains copies of all the initial documentation that has been sent out to parents from the school office.

Literacy Workshop 15.6.23 - This section contains the PowerPoint used in the parent session and documents / links that were referred to during the meeting.

Mathematics Workshop - 20.6.23 - This section contains the PowerPoint used in the parent session and the document referred to during the meeting.

Groups For The September Induction Week. - This section contains the list showing which induction group your child will be in and what the start times for the induction week are.


Hello From Mrs Bowman. 

If you are reading this message right now, it means that word has got around about this web page! It is great to now have the opportunity to say hello and welcome you to our school. 

Below this message there will be a grey box with some downloadable documents in. These documents will also be / have been handed out at the parent meeting on Thursday 25th July.

The first document just outlines ways you can keep in touch with school and see what is going on.

The second document outlines how our September induction will be organised.

The third document is one that we ask parents to complete with their child and then return to myself. It gives the staff in class the opportunity to find out about some of your child's interests before they arrive. We then try to incorporate some of these interests within the classroom over the course of the year. 

Finally, the fourth document just asks for some information that is useful for me to know as the class teacher. The office may contact you for some similar information in time. 

You can return the third and fourth document by hand or send it to my class e mail address

If you require anything at all or have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me on the class e mail address.

Take care.

Mrs Bowman 

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A Typical Day In Reception

Below, I have attached a document which outlines a generalised day in Reception.

Mrs Bowman

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Internet Activity Links

I know parents have often asked about what they could do with their child before September.

Below, there are two downloadable documents that contain internet links to activities and games. I have adapted the lists slightly from ones that I gave my current class during Lockdown. They could be used on a rainy afternoon if you wanted to look for something for your child to do. Most of the sites contain a range of levels, allowing you to pick a game or activity suitable for your child. 

If you do decide to try some out, I hope your child enjoys them. I know I enjoyed finding some of them!

Take Care - Mrs Bowman x

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Practical Activity Ideas

I have found the document below that offers lots of ideas of activities that you can do with your child to support their development in each area of the EYFS curriculum.

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Story Time With Mrs Bowman

To All The New Reception Children,

Below, there is a video of me reading one of my favourite books. I thought it might be nice to read to you while you are at home waiting to join our class. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I do.

Take Care

Mrs Bowman x

Curriculum Objectives.

In September 2021, Reception started following a new curriculum. The documents provided in the file list below are 'Development Matters Statements'. These illustrate objectives that your child will be covering throughout the year.

As mentioned in previous documents / PowerPoints, at the end of the year your child will be assessed against the ELG (Early Learning Goal). These goals are also illustrated on the documents beneath. We will be ensuring that we deliver the statements within the 'Reception' section and not just work on the ELG statements alone, as these just provide a snapshot of what your child can do. The maths ELG's are an example of this. They do not contain any mention of shape. However, this does not mean we will not be teaching shape in class during the year.

The two blue links below take you to parent guides outlining key features of the Foundation Stage Framework. I have/ will have covered a lot of the elements featured, in the induction PowerPoints but these document just give a clear overview and can offer more ideas for at home.

Parent Guide To The Foundation Stage Framework - Brief Overview

Parent Guide - What To Expect In The EYFS

The red link below is a link to the official Department For Education 'Development Matters' document which outlines a pathway of objectives to cover the EYFS curriculum and expectations. The second red link will take you to a document outlining the '7 Key Features of Effective Practice in EYFS'.

Development Matters Document - Revised July 2021 Edition

7 Key Features of Effective Practice in EYFS

The three documents beneath, in the file list, just display learning objectives in slightly different ways.

Document 1 outlines all the objectives from birth to the end of Reception, for each of the areas of learning.

Document 2 just outlines the objectives aimed towards 3-4 year olds, so you can focus on the suggested age related expectations for your child currently.

Document 3 then just focus' on the objectives specifically aimed towards Reception age children.

These documents come from the 'Twinkl' website. I have used these ones, rather than the full official document, as they just display the objectives in a handy user friendly way.

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Welcome Meeting PowerPoint

This is a copy of the PowerPoint which was shown at the parent welcome meeting on 25.5.23.

School Office Documentation

The documents below are copies of those that have been emailed to families from the school office.

 Doc. 5 Consent Form re various.docxDownload
 Doc. 6 Asthma Inhaler.docxDownload
 Doc. 7 Home School Agreement.pdfDownload
 Doc. 8 ASCC Registration Document Inc. T & Cs.docxDownload
 Doc. 9 ASCC Information Brochure New 2023.pdfDownload
 Doc.16 Pt's St Saviours uniform list 2023.pdfDownload
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Literacy Worshop - 15.6.23

Below, you will find a copy of the PowerPoint used during the parent meeting. This will be followed by some links to downloadable documents and information that were referred to in the meeting.

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Mathematics Workshop - 20.6.23

Below, you will find a copy of the PowerPoint used during the parent meeting. This will be followed by some links to downloadable documents and information that were referred to in the meeting.

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Groups For The September Induction Week. 

The list below indicates which induction group your child will be in and what the start times for the induction week are.