St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Class pages
  2. Reception Home Page
  3. Reception 2024 2025 Photographs

Reception 2024 2025 Photographs

A lot of our photographs are put on the Reception Class Twitter page. A feed for this page can be found at the bottom of the Reception class website page. Some photos are then also put on the school Facebook page.

The following photo's can be found below:

Our Favourite Thing In Reception - September 2024

Our First Week In Reception - September 2024

End of Week Two - September 2024


Our Favourite Thing In Reception - September 2024

Reception have been talking about what they like the best so far in Reception. As you will see from the photographs, Percy appears to be a big hit with the children!

Our First Week In Reception - September 2024

The teachers are all really proud of Reception. They have had a great first week at school. We have had lots of smiles and giggles together already. School dinners wet down well and we have had lots of time to explore both our indoor area and our outdoor area. Looking forward to having lots more fun together.

End of Week Two - September 2024

Reception have had a great week again. We have had a week full of activities. We started the week with our first PE session and ended the week with a story from Mr Moorhouse. We have started our class scarecrow for the Kearsley Scarecrow Festival and had lots of fun exploring signs of autumn. Great job everybody.